...is an ACE inhibitor used to tread hypertension and other heart related issues.
I took my first dose at 6:PM on Thursday. By 11:00AM on Friday I started going into anaphylactic shock. It started with my upper lip swelling up on the right side. An hour later on my way to the MD's the entire lip was the size of a small yellow squash. MD wouldn't touch me (chicken shit; you gave me this crap) so they sent me across the way to the Urgent Care ER. Got right in, hooked up to IV's in each arm, two shots in the buttocks whilst some PA extolled on about the need for me to go to the "BIG" ER for further treatment and 8 hours of observation. In no uncertain terms I told them there was no chance in hell that was happening.
So two hours later, armed with three scripts and a feeling that my head was going to explode, I hopped in my truck with brother driving and his son following and made my trek home, via a stop at the pharmacy. This pic was taken around 7PM last night. Lower lip catching up and cheeks so swollen that within an hour my eyes were swollen shut.
I made a conscious effort two months ago to be more proactive in watching over my health. That ended yesterday. I went 28 years without going to a primary care physician and I never had to deal with all the shit I have since that time. All drug related. Hell, I've been able to keep prostate cancer at bay, on my own, for five years. So if you are under the care of someone that has taken the Hippocratic oath, RUN as fast as your ass will take you.
I'd like to say that things have improved this morning, but alas, they haven't. So I'm off to fill these cheeks with acorns. I should be able to pack in enough to get me through the winter.