Seems As Though...

...things have been happening since I've been away. As I expected they would. I just have a few thoughts on my mind and instead of keeping them tethered here in my inebriated brain I thought I might unleash them upon the general public.

My whole feeling on this bailout of the financial institutions is just that. A feeling. And it ain't a good one. I trust politicians like I trust my ex. They dance a good dance but at the end of the night it ain't the fucking you had in mind.

I had a falling out with an old friend on the simple basis that she thought her shit didn't stink. Simple as that. I have no idea where the idea took root in the past few years that people have carte blanche to do and say as they please and when they get called on it they go ballistic. For the most part people are fairly easy to read. And I can smell bullshit from a silo away. And I'll call it just that when I smell it.
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