Wednesday, August 30, 2006

More Bad News...

...from Iraq today. They started blowing their own citizens up again at a pretty staggering level. I try to keep a perspective about it. Forming a democracy is hard, takes time, newbies. But damned, why don't the regular citizens just say a fucking nuff? In the far north where the Kurds live things are going swimmingly. They have hospitals and the like functioning. Shops and market places. It looks like a fun place to be. Those other fuckers, the sunnis and shiites can't pull their heads outta their blown up asses long enough to realize what could happen if they just quit this shit. Who the hell would want to live like that? My take? Only people that put their fate in the hands of religious mad men would tolerate this shit. Hell, have they no sense of their own dominion? Just fucking maddening. I have a nephew over there and Bane has a son. He (Bane) is beginning to suffer from the "DAMNED I HOPE IT ISN'T HIM" syndrome whenever he hears of soldiers being killed. I've been there for three years. It get's exhausting. I feel for him. There are times when I just want to say fuck-it and ask to bring them all home. But dammit, democracy is worth it. If that so-called government over there can't rein these wild ass assassins in, then we should lay down the guantlet and tell them we're outta there. Hussein butchered the Kurds because all they wanted to do was live in peace. Fanaticism? I just don't get it. I'm not gonna give in to the chickenshits chickenhawks, but damned if it doesn't get frustrating.


Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

You must be one proud father...Semper Fi....

10:41 AM  

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