Tuesday, August 29, 2006

This Rabbi Wrote ...

...two books back in the 80's. I read them when my marriage was in the tank and dissipating into the toxic wasteland that has lasted to this day. I have never read another book that deals with how to help yourself or pick yourself up by the fucking bootstraps and move on.

The first one was entitled "Bad Things Happen To Good People". WTF!! A book was needed for that? Hell, it happens when we're first born and come out of the fish mitten. It's all a matter of chance after that.

The second was entitled "When All You've Ever Wanted Isn't Enough". Well, I'm sorry rabbi, but if I had Christy Brinkley and she wasn't enough and I had to go get some young piece of tail, then I deserve to be sent off to some remote island that has a weird strain of vermin that eats my dick out from the inside.

I like the rabbi, and actually met him once. Nothing against him. He's a nice man. Just write porn or something.

And I had an 11 hour day, which pisses my ass off, especially when I don't know I'm gonna have one. And a whiny ass bitch at work that complains because she has to do her job. Bad things happen to good people, and when all you've ever wanted was to shoot.

And an update. We're going to have to go through this whole pile of bullshit with Katrina and 9/11 and watch the networks piss it down our eyeballs. All the memories and such. Just give it up. It's over, it's done. Shit happens (sorry rabbi). It's a new day. Get on with it. And Christmas is coming. There are trees to sell and snow men to decorate. And don't give me any shit about being insensitive. You couldn't even go there.


Blogger curmudgeon said...

I'm with you there bro'. I'm sofa king sick of the shit I could puke.

Sure, they were tragedies. I felt bad at the time. I even donated (whatta sucker) Lot of fucking good that did.
Now let's be sure and capitalize off them since it's the perfect opportunity. Next thing you know, they will both be another Hallmark Holiday.

The people are still gone. The houses are still gone. The teevee stations are making a killing. Too soon? Hey! I've got an idea!: How about you greedy bastards take and rebuild the shit with the proceeds from your teevee documentaries?

10:40 PM  
Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...


10:56 PM  

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