Tuesday, August 29, 2006

If I Had To Write...

...full time about the state of current affairs with no bias or agenda, like the MSM does, I'd last about a week before I'd have to pull my brain out through my asshole and feed it to the dogs. (Or the neighbors, in this case, since I don't have one.) Every individual has to recognize the capriciousness of nature. Everyday when you wake up you have to come to grips that your house or apartment didn't burn down. When you get out of the shower you have to be grateful that your ass didn't slip and split your head wide open and spew your grey matter down the sewer. When you have your coffee and smoke, if you do so, you have to wonder if that artery in your brain, heart or stomach(an AA for those not medically up-to-speed) is getting ready to pop its load. When you walk out the door your ass has to wonder if that sonabitch that stayed up till 4 AM drinking and has to be to work at seven has enough mental acumen not to T-Bone your ass at the intersection and split you into three or four sections. And when you get to work ya gotta wonder if some crazed bastard is gonna walk in and open fire on everyone in there. Or if you're in the ocean and some shark that has the munchies decides your leg is his next chicken nugget meal. Or on the way home is that guy heading home that didn't have the sleep he needed and missed T-Boning you gonna do it this time. Or if you go to the ER is the young doc qualified not to mix the meds up that throws your ass into a coma forever.

Point is, shit happens. Quit fucking blaming people for things for which they aren't cuculpable. Especially the gov't. I wanna keep what little bit of my brain is left. And my butt's so puckered up that I'm affraid I wouldn't finish the job and then I'd have a real mess on my hands. Damned gov't and their bowel program.


Blogger Rantin' Ron said...

Good points. It does get sickening and tiresome.

By the way, thanks for the input on my lame assed idea.

Upon further review...it was a bad idea.

By the way...yes, I played and recorded with the Moody boys several times. I got a studio tape of me, Carlton, Steve Sellers, Tony Huneycutt and others doing a bunch of songs including Carlton playing accoustic lead on one of my songs.

Fun times back then...at least what I remember of 'em!

1:57 AM  
Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

I remember most. Carlton and I used to get pretty tanked on occasion. Good times indeed...

1:05 PM  

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