Tuesday, August 29, 2006

What The...

...bloody hell is happening?? Now the ball-less pussies at NBC have issued an apology for the Sunday night parody Conan O'Brien did for the Emmy's. I didn't see it but have seen the montage. It's a parody of Lost and a plane crash. People are outraged that they aired it several hours after the plane wreck in Kentucky. Jesus fucking Chist people. Do we have to apologize for EVERY SINGLE THING WE DO???...

Wife: Honey, you up?
Hubby: Yep, sorry.

Boss: Well, you're an hour early!
You: Yeah, sorry.

Wife: Wow!!! I've never come like that before!!
Hubby: Really? Sorry.

Guy pulled out of buring car: Damn man, you saved my life.
You: So Sorry.

You get my drift here? You can't do a damned thing without the nagging feeling that somebody's gonna be pissed about it. Some entity is stawking us and cutting off our balls before we can protest. Fuck that!!


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