Thursday, August 31, 2006

I'm Not Saying...'s gonna happen, but this lady has a good point. It sure wouldn't hurt if we went back to a simpler time. I'm not sure that we wouldn't revert back to our innate desire to make things simpler by making things more complicated, but I'm with her. I could live in a cabin or on a farm and ride the tractor and eat my meat(not my own, mind you) and taters and lard. I've always been drawn to that lifestyle. But what happens to the blogoshere? Damned, this could get complicated. I think we need a congressional sub-committee to look into this further. Orange juice cans and strings might work. Do they even make those anymore? Better yet, I think we need an emergency meeting of Congress. Nursey is right on the money. Just don't know if the end result is what she might expect. I hope it is.


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