Just Some Thoughts...

If there was ever a perfect example of why avoiding steroids is a good thing, take the Governator. I can honestly say I don't think I've ever seen one of his movies. Never appealed to me. And how the brain-bound numnuts got to be Governor is beyond my comprehension, but it is what it is. Let's move on...
I don't have many phobias that I'm aware of. I don't like munching on fishy smelling pussy, but I don't really think that qualifies as a phobia. I am afraid of people, which makes life kinda tenuous. I mean, it's kinda hard to go anywhere without running into someone. So I do what I can to avoid them. A clown phobia is a weird thing. Seems lots of people are afraid of them. Can't imagine why, unless they were assaulted by them in some way. But it's apparently more common than you think. I was walking down the beach one time with my eldest son when he was about a year old. Someone was walking their dog, a baby German Shepard, and as spry pups are wont to do, it jumped up and one of its toenails clipped my sons eyelid. Of course he started screaming bloody ass murder. For years he ran like a rat off a ship when he saw a dog. I reckon that's a phobia. Some people are Arachnaphobic. That makes sense. I ain't a big fan of them either, but I don't get all freaky when I see one. In our first house we used to have black widows in the garage. Whenever I'd go to clean things up I'd run across two or three. They really aren't much of a match for us. Some women are like them, though. I really am afraid of them. Let's move on...
When I was a younger man and still had spermies swimming around in my testicles I would watch Wonder Woman. I thought Linda Carter was about as hot as they got. She still is and my loins pine for her. This is a picture of her huge titties. I would like to cover them with Lochs and Cream Cheese and have a religious ceremony. Instead, I think I'll pray the rosary and hope for a miracle.