Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I Purchased A Digital Camera Today...

...from a guy at work. I was wanting to get one for Christmas, but all the good ones are pretty expensive.

I didn't want anything fancy, just something that would do the basics. It's a Fuji, has some bells and whistles and connects to my PC. Retails for $150. He sold it for $100. Simple is as simple does. Took about twenty minutes to get it up and working, in a painless fashion. The pic is of my wall. Yeah, I know, weird way to position pictures, but they are from the ex when she came to visit one time. The wall is so small that it was the only way we could make them work. So now I can take pictures of my ass when I tell someone to kiss it and it will be authentic. I'm excited!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd be curious to see a black and white art picture of your ass on your wall!

6:15 PM  
Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

You don't wanna see my ass, in color or black and white. But, come to think of it, I show it enough so there has to be some sort of documentation out there.

11:05 PM  

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