Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Life Imitating... Learned today that a year ago the gov't set up the National Counter Terrorism Unit. Good to know. Of course they don't have a Jack Bauer working there. And the guy that was reporting on it's operation said he couldn't give it's exact location other than to say it was in the U.S. Well, that's good news. I thought it might be in Kabul or Fallujah. And they are understaffed, which is to be expected. It's hard to find analysts that want to sit in front of a wide screen all day tracking and listening to sand monkeys. But the thing that really stunned me was the number of terror cells they have ON RECORD...400,000. That's not people, people, that's cells. Just DAMN!!!

But I do have to say this. I wasn't very comforted when I saw the personnel. I don't think they'd be able to go out and shackle a terror suspect or travel all over the territory to confiscate a nuclear bomb. I mean, ya gotta change those Depends every so often, No?


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