Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sorry Honey Vulva...

...but this new CBS gig ain't gonna work. I know, I know, the numbers won't be in for a few days. And I don't really pay that much attention when I watch the news. If something catches my attention I'll tune my ear. Otherwise, I'm off pissing away my time in the tunnel, digging like a goffer. But this crap they just sent out over the airwaves is nothing more than two-ply asswipe paper. Fluff. Don't get mad at me ladies. Some of you could do it better than she did. The news deserves someone that has a voice that resonates authority and some gahonies they're willing to bare in a crunch. I know some women with balls. What's poor Katie to do? This will not be good. Oh well, where's my number seven needle?


Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...


12:54 PM  

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