Tuesday, September 05, 2006

When I Read Certain Bloggers...

...I am astounded by some of the life experiences they have. For example, go read this japsers experience of his trip on the way to Pennsylvania to get this lady to move in with him. Now if you read some of his archived stuff you can tell this guy ain't backing down from King Kong. But DAMN, I have been to where his situation happened and that ain't a place to fuck around. I always said it was safer to call in the napalm before you went to get smokes.

My sons recently went on a deep sea fishing trip off the Atlantic to try and wind down from a long summer of working before they started school again. This was what they got as part of the crew. It was only a year and a few months ago when I took them out and all we got was a captain that also taught business at the local college. And had a bible onboard.

My life seems to have been diametrically opposed to individuals like this. But of course he's a pretty big sonsabitch, so he had options I didn't. I ain't no bigger than a thimble and have the mental capacity of a slug left out in the beer trap overnight. So I will continue to read with bolstered machismo while I complacently sit and chrochet my new thong for the doll. It sure is pretty.


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