Wednesday, September 06, 2006


...and what kind you're going to take. Long post. I think pot should be legalized. It helps cancer patients and definately helps with pain (not that I would know), yet. I gave my Dad more FDA approved drugs than you could go into a pharmacy and spend an hour and come out with all of them.

I have taken three illegal drugs in my life. Pot, speed and a qualude. The first was by my choosing, the other two were given to me seriptiously at my batchelor party. Put me down for three days. Not a good thing for a skinny man with a fucked-up heart that could run 12 miles a day.

My doctor has given me but one drug for prostate cancer. It was Hytrin, and it's for high blood pressure. It's supposed to shrink your prostate. But my BP went up to 190/100. Everything always works backwards on my ass, which is why I'm probably really a woman. I just can't find my vagina. It must be in my cerebellum.

When I was a kid the doc gave me penicillin. He didn't know I was allergic. Went into anaphalactic shock on the way home. Fast acting Mom or my ass was grub meat in fifteen minutes. When I go to the dentist now I'm supposed to take an antibiotic so my valves don't get infected. I clean my own now after they butchered my last visit. I'll play the odds. Because the antibiotics screwed me up for two days, and I don't need teeth to drink.

My point? Not sure I have one, but the drugs the FDA puts out there are pretty dangerous. I had some good, and scary, highs on pot. But never something that put my life in danger. I saw my Dad go on a morphine drip and he never woke up. The Oxycontin alleviated his pain, for sure, but it made him mentally incoherent and made him take chances that put his life in jeopardy. He would try to walk when he had no business doing so. I'm just saying...wrapping papers, please, and a nine needle.


Blogger Trouble said...

I agree with you, I see no good reason for pot to remain illegal.

9:05 PM  
Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

Nor do I dubious one, nor do I...

10:52 PM  

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