Sunday, August 27, 2006

Some Responses... other bloggers. Guy
has a post about Israel and nukes and such. Some of his commenters are worried about Russia and China. They don't have a dog in this fight. It's a religious matter. Russia and China are pretty much agnostic by nature. It would serve no purpose for them to blow us up. Our economies are too intertwined. We're Christian by nature, but allow the practicing of all faiths. The fuckers that want us dead are fanatics, in the religious sense. They aren't interested in economies because they have none. They are a rogue nation, so to speak. There is no country to defend. They have a notion in their heads; annihilation of the infidels, which is usn's. When you think about it, it's pretty damned stupid. They want 72 virgins and us dead. We only wish we could have one. Helen Caldicott wrote a great book years ago about 'missile Envy'. Go get a copy.

This particular gentleman has a post entitled "I Don't Know Why" whereby he says he doesn't 'get' me, and how I have the balls to have my picture on the blog. Hmmmm, LL has hers, as does Guy, as do alot of people. And I don't write many things that are so out of left field that the authorities are coming after my ass. I happen to think that if you DON'T have a pic on your blog you're a chickenshit. But that's IMHO. If I didn't know better, I'd say he was obtuse. But I've read his stuff. I don't 'get' it, but I don't have to. But I did contribute to his new computer. Nuff said.


Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

Hell, I ain't got no ass so you'd be kicking air if'n you were to try...

8:56 AM  
Blogger Rantin' Ron said...

You "contributed" to his new computer?

What's up with that?

As to your theory on folks not posting their picture, I wouldn't know how to do so IF I wished to.

Was that Bane dude serious about kicking your ass?

Sounds like someone's taking blogging a bit too serious.

Ya'll play nice now boys.

4:29 PM  
Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

Long story bout the puter. Mercy Mission, so to speak. As far as kicking my ass, I think he meant it in the "blogosphere" kinda way. But it did get me to thinking that maybe it's time to hang it up.

4:42 PM  
Blogger Rantin' Ron said...

Ah..fuck it dude.

In the immortal words of Ricky friggin' Nelson...(never thought you'de ever hear THAT did you?)

"You can't please everyone gotta please yourself!"

5:26 AM  

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