...the worlds been around for, oh, I dunno, several billion years. I taped a program last night on what might cause earth to just shit itself. The biggest scenario is a Gamma Ray Burst. This is where a galaxy out in space collapses in on itself and generates so much radiation that we all just kinda go away. Well, not immediately, because it's not a direct nuclear explosion detonated a few miles above the surface, but several light years above us. So it might be years before we see the effects.
These fuckers are nuts. They may have some clue as to how the world works, but I would think this kinda shit would have happened by now at some point in time. Which is why I hated grad school and why I hate scholars that go on TV that try to explain how the world works. Fuck you, Fuck me. You don't know anything more than my feeble mind does. Black Holes, String Theory, Double Relativity. Shut up. You have no idea. There is no global warming, there are no galaxies sucking one another into the other. You're bored and stupid and have to come up with shit to justify your existence. Shut the fuck up and get a real job. Make sure it involves a shovel and work boots.
There you go gettin' all "SMART" again but damn nailed it!
I would have said something more like...
"Ya'll don't know shit. God's gonna throw you dumbasses a friggin' curve everytime you think you've got it figured out! Hell, HE has to have some fun you know. It's what HE does I think.
Get a real job that actually makes you worthy of suckin' up perfectly good air.
Granted....not very cerebral's all I've got!
Good job Bob.
Who needs cerebral...short and to the point...
The Gamma Ray Burst phenomenon has probably happened several times, it's just that the universe is a big place. My feeling about it is this:
We can't predict it, we can't stop it, and it will probably happen so fast we won't realize it, so why worry about it? There are more important things to occupy my time that I can actually affect through free will anything else is mental masturbation.
Just my opinion.
And a good one it is...I also agree with it...
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