Monday, September 18, 2006

All This Damned Hoopla...

...over the pope's comments can be directly linked back to the MSM. The comment was made during an academic and scholarly speach in which he was relating how all religions have at one time or another tried to spread their faith by the sword. If you've ever read any history of religion you know that. It's just another instance of the media isolating one comment out of context. The end result, of course, shows the ragheads in their true light. My way or the die way. I've spent quite a long time reading about god and its possible existence. If it is a being that created the universe then I don't think I'd wanna be fucking with it. But unfortunately, in order for us to enjoy the splendor of this place god had to give us free will, so therin lies the rub. But, if someone proclaiming that they aren't evil, and if you think they are, they're going to behead you, doesn't some sort of irony red flag go up? If it was me on the way to the UN tomorrow, as the prez is, I'd open that nuclear football, set things in motion and then get up on the podium and then ask "What's Next, motherfuckers? Your call." I'm gonna go scratch my ass and ponder the scheme of things.


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