Friday, October 20, 2006

There Comes A Time...

...when you have to purge yourself of feelings you have for someone. You can't ever really do it for an X, especially if you have kids, but you can do it for others that have come into your life and have totally taken advantage of you. They linger. Because you filled a void in their lives. But they never take responsibility in any way to admit that their lives are what they are because they can't ever utter the words 'I fucked up'. So they ramble on their way, oblivious to what they have done to themselves and those around them, hoping that the next person will fill that void they so long for. It's all about the moment. This one doesn't fill this need, this one doesn't fill the next need. Fuck that shit. I may not talk to the X anymore, but at least she has dignity. Some people are just clueless as to how their behavior affects people. So let's give a round of applause to all the ladies out there that couldn't give a rat's ass about anything other than themselves. As long as your ass is happy the world spins accordingly. Fuck you.


Blogger Jean said...

wow... hope you never get pissed at me.

6:45 AM  
Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

Jean, I only get mad at people when they screw me . In the not good way.

QofD...e-mail me and I'll give ya the skinny. It ain't for on here.

10:29 PM  
Blogger Jean said...

Getting screwed in th not good way is s perfect reason for getting mad.

12:09 AM  
Blogger Jean said...

what the hell was wrong with my typing???

3:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perception is not always Reality. There are two sides to every story. But at least you feel like you can get if off of your chest here. Great Therapy

3:59 PM  
Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

Then tell me what reality is, A, since you seem to know so much.

4:17 PM  
Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

And try the Hawaiian Sun candle...

5:16 PM  

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