Thursday, September 07, 2006

I Have No Problem...

...with public restrooms. I'm not a poop-a-phobe where I feel if someone has parked their butt on a toilet seat before I get in there and defecated their vile intestinal slime that I will catch some sort of dreaded disease or strange little critter that will invade my Rosy O'Donnell fur. In the building I work they have had an empty space for years, and it's a big one. So I'm sure they've been losing money for years. About a month ago they rented it. So we've had construction workers there for that time and since there are only two heads, they get shared. Construction workers are notorious for leaving piss in the urinals. I've been there and seen it. I think it's because most of the time they go to Porta-Johns where no etiquette is required. This doesn't apply to the ladies, because they are stellar when it comes to this stuff. They have to wipe, they flush. Stand up urinals are a whole nother beast. These guys piss, one after the other, and never flush, ever. You walk in there and you damned near feel like going out in the hall and relieving yourself in the water fountain.

And then you see some things that just defy anything you've ever seen in a shithouse. A guy comes in, washes his hands, twice. Grabs some towels and soaps them up, goes into a stall and washes the seat, comes back out, washes his hands again, gets more towels and soaps them up, washes the seat, then puts on one of those protective sheilds on the seat. If I was that anal I wouldn't be able to shit if my life depended on it.

And to the new people that moved in across the hall. I don't talk when I go in the bathroom. Don't make small talk and don't try to grab an illicit look at my private parts. I'm in there for a basic human function. And I have to do it quite often, so I will police the area. The whole thing about washing your hands afterwards, well that's a whole nother post...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a lovely post to read first thing in the morning!

I'll be in the shitter if you need me.

3:20 PM  
Blogger Senor Cheeseburger said...

I'm a poop-a-phobe. Not the "wash your hands, wash the seat, wash your hands, poop, wash your hands" kind of poop-a-phobe, the "doesn't poop in public" type of poop-a-phobe.

And I'm ok with that.

10:20 PM  
Blogger Dick said...

Fortunately for me, I was a grunt.
Therefore, I can easily drop a load anywhere, anytime, and with anyone who cares to watch.
I'll even to to flavor the smell for them if they want.

11:08 PM  
Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

Well, we've covered all the seats on this issue, I would say...happy pinching to all regardless of your location...

11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing how studies on this very matter, germs left on public toilet seats was much less, (ok like none at all), and compared to the door knobs entering said facilities? If one ere to use the word scant, such is getting but close to what they did not find on the seat of the toilet.

Assuming they were not actually peed upon, but then again, urin is basically a steril liquid. Smells a bit and sometimes can be rather strong indeed. But odors and getting a life threatening dieseeze are quite different.

7:27 AM  
Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

I've seen that study and it made sense to me...

1:40 PM  

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