Wednesday, August 16, 2006

When It Comes To...

...hooking up technical stuff, I can get by doing the basics. A VCR or something like that, no problem. My youngest son can network two computers, a Tivo, the dog, a ford engine and the space station. I bought a combo DVD/VCR player a year or so ago. Always had it set up to work on channel 4, since 3 was in use. So as I was setting up a program I could still listen to the channel I was watching. When I get home last night I thought I'd go ahead and set up the program for the next-to-last Rescue Me. And I had nothing but fuzz. WTF. So I fiddled for a bit and since it was WAY past my bedtime I decided I'd just hook the TV up to the cable so I'd at least have IMUS in the morning. Got home tonight and dove in headfirst. Changed the batteries in the remote, rehooked all the cables up, switched to channel 4 and NOTHING. Another WTF. So I'm thinking to myself what the hell could have changed? Of course, the obvious reason is my kharma. So I change to channel 3, hit the menu button, and there's all the programming stuff. To any tekkie out there, how in the holy fuckamoly does a synapses deprived, inanimate object switch the channels it's gonna use. I don't mind bad kharma, but this shit seems to be getting serious. If you are an ill person, don't ask for my prayers, because you are likely to be dead in the morning.

As a side note, when I woke up this morning, slapped some water on my face, made the mud water and grabbed a smoke, I saw a pen on the kitchen table that I neither own, nor have ever seen. That just freaked my ass out. Big Time. Remind me to tell you the key story sometime. Unfortunately my stories don't involve big titties like Ron's do, but I do have one.


Blogger Rantin' Ron said...

You are friggin' hilarious!!

I'm glad I stopped in before I turned in.

The Kharma thing damn near choked me!!


5:45 AM  

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