Tuesday, August 15, 2006

This Is Just Turning Into...

...a clusterfuck of massive proportions. And ole Georgie boy has to shoulder most of the blame. He was ill-equipted to handle this type of crisis. His demeanor, personality and intellect couldn't stand up to the rigors of the scope and complexity of the conflict. In his appearance before the joint sessions of Congress shortly after 9/11 I couldn't have been prouder as an American nor prouder of the president. He was decisive. We would go out and kick some ass and take some names. Sadly, the Taliban are still around and taking over parts of that region again, the debacle in Iraq is getting worse and Iran and N. Korea thumb their noses at us. Hopefully we can limp through the next two years w/o any serious attacks on our citizens. I'm glad I voted for him in 2000. Gore would have been even more of a nightmare. But not so much now. We need a president that is capable of making wartime decisions that make sense.

I'm no expert. Others are FAR more capable than I, but here are some of the things I would have done then and now.


1) Stay in Afghanistan until the job is finished. We left WAY to early. That country, like Iraq, will fall back into the hands of the terrorists simply because their leaders are no more capable of doing the job than Bush is. You have to teach democracy, much in the same way it happens in a family. If children are never disciplined or taught they will run holy hell all over your ass.

2) Plan the Iraq strategy with more muscle. Bush wanted to finish the job his daddy started, thinking that it wouldn't take much to get the job done, just as Hussein's army succumbed in a matter of days back in '91. Bad choice.


1) Get out of Iraq, NOW. You won't get anywhere. Regroup and redo the strategies. The leaders of that country are Muslims and not to be trusted.

2) Have the guts to start profiling. 70 year old women and six year old kids don't blow up planes. Muslims do. Usually young, idealistic ones. And now maybe even women with young kids. We've reached the point where we have to be suspicious of anyone of the Muslim religion that are in our midst.

3) Devise a plan to remove every regime in a country that funds or harbors terrorists. And make it a good one. If it involves nukes, so be it. The communist regimes fell like domino's when their regimes were removed or the citizens refused to tolerate the totalitarian government. Eventually these regimes will have nuclear weapons, and they will far less reticent to use them than are we.

I know these seem trite and unsubstancial, but at least something to consider. I don't see any Muslim leaders speaking out against the atrocities their fellow Muslims commit. There is NO compromise in Islam. That's why you can't negotiate with them. It's all or nothing with them. We are a young democracy, in the scheme of things, so even we are still learning. But people from all over the world keep flooding in. So we must be doing something right. But, dammit, I have two sons that I want to enjoy the fruits of the hard labor of those that came before us and made it possible to enjoy this type of government. And some asshat muslims with no regard for life want to strip that away. Now I know as a nation we tend to overreact to everything, but in this case I do think we have to develop a collective consciousness, as Jung said, and find a way to rid the world of this scourge. It's the one reason I left any type of organized religion. There can't possibly be a god that would let this happen. If there is, how could you possibly worship that being? But that's for another day, and my ass is whooped.

Waiter...hit me...


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