Wednesday, August 16, 2006

This Is Just Another Reason...

...why maybe I think we should get our asses all blown to hell and back. I don't drink bottled water anywhere but at work, and it comes from one of those setups where the big tank sits on the pedestal. And for no other reason that it's more convenient. Doesn't taste any better than the stuff from the sink. And sometimes I'll drink that. But of course we have a filter on that. Now some company is claiming that if you drink two bottles of their water for 28 days you will see a marked diminishing of lines and wrinkles. Now I failed 9th grade chemistry and never took it again, and I KNOW that something that has two hydrogen atoms and one carbon atom AND reduces wrinkles ain't water. They say it comes from the way they "process" it. So if they process it, how is it "natural water"? I'm just asking...


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