Friday, August 25, 2006

Unless You've Had...

...your head in the sand, or up your butt, which equates to wiping your ass with sandpaper, you've probably heard about the Duke rape case. I'm not going into the details, because you can read about them anywhere. My take, and only take, is this. The NY Times came out with a story today about how they thought the DA had a good case. Since I happen to live in the city where this is taking place I can tell you he does NOT. He's just another someone that suddenly had his 15 minutes of fame and once had, he steadfastly refuses to let it go. Look at his pic. He is fecal matter that should be wiped into the sewers of hell.

I knew a woman that was raped. She recovered from it and was able to lead a normal, healthy sexual life. I was a happy recipient of that recovery. I have no idea what's in the mind of a rapist. They say it's power, degradation or fear. But I can tell you one thing based on experience. My son was an athlete. A good one. And so were the friends and teammates he had. They liked to party. I partied with them, although I hated doing so because I had to travel to TN to do it. But we would get drunk, as would the strippers that they hired to attend the party at the frat house. But never once would any of those kids have considered raping a women. Quite the contrary, they would have ripped off the head off anyone that attempted it and shit down their neck.

Just a few weeks ago said son went back to his old homestead to attend a wedding. They rented a bus for the bachelor party and again the obligatory stripper was present. Again, nothing but drunken fun and titty-meat. At the end of the night all went home to wallow in their inebriation.

I think the same is true in the Duke case, with one difference. The stripper they had was not only a drunk and drug addict, but a con. She saw an opportunity to ruin the reputations of several young men. But her story will never hold up in court.

There may be some instances of high-profiled athletes that take advantage of a female. But they are few and far between. Athletes usually don't have trouble getting women. I doubt these individual did either.

Tomorrow I get stupid. Ron said he won't read anymore if I don't. I hate dummying up, but what's a man to do.


Blogger Rantin' Ron said...

Ok, Ok...keep being smart...see if I care!

You know, I had the same line of thought about the Duke case.

I'm not saying athletes don't do bad things and, I'm sure rapes have and do occur BUT...

There is NO WAY in Hell that at least ONE of those kids (more like MOST of 'em) wouldn't come forward and report a rape. No fucking way. PERIOD.

IF, and I doubt it, that poor screwed up girl WAS raped, I hope every damned one of 'em gets castrated THEN sent to a "pound 'em in the ass daily" prison for life BUT.....I just ain't buyin' it.

The sad part is that those boys are tarnished for life by the accusations no matter the outcome. As someone (I know GS knows WHO said it 'cause HE'S smart!!)...but..

Where do you go to get your reputation back?

Keep on being smart my friend...I'll just keep using Google to decipher your shit!

Didn't know you lived in the Durham area. Poor bastard. Come on up to the mountains sometimes...believe it or not, there are far less Liberal morons up here than your neck of the woods.

3:59 AM  

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