Friday, August 18, 2006

I'm A Fairly...

...beneficent person. I carry about $50 of change in the truck. Emergencies and such ya know. In Durham we have alot of homeless people and they camp out at intersections with their belongings, sign in hand specifying their particular maladies, imploring us motorists to contribute to their luck-of-the-draw that life dealt them. Usually, if I get caught in the turning lane where they're doing their soliciting, I'll scope out the sign. It's not the person I'm leery of. Hell, they look homeless. But what draws my attention is what's on the sign. If it says they're homeless and they need money for food, I pass. I know where that dollar is going. If it mentions god in any way, shape or form, again I pass. But if it mentions they'll work for food, then I'm game. I've tested this on a time or two. One gentleman had one leg and walked with a crutch under the arm of the missing leg. I rolled the window down and asked him what type of work he'd be willing to do. "Anything a one legged man is capable of, sir." I gave him the whole plastic bag of full of quarters. That toothless grin made my month.

Which brings me to the point. I'm leery of people who blog that have tip jars. I'll be up front and say I did contribute to Bane's dilemma, but only because LL was so persistent in here desire to help. Under normal circumstances I never would have. I don't know Bane's circumstances, but blogger is free, last time I checked. So why would people try to get contributions to keep up a blog that's free? I'm only asking because if they use blogger and they're good, then I would consider it. But there should be some sort of disclaimer on the site describing why they need the money. If I'm missing it on Bane's, then spank my ass and call me a chump.

But I see it on other sites as well. People say their bandwidth is getting hit too hard and so on. Well did they not think of that before they started the blog, and what the ramifications would be? Surely we don't need welfare for the blogosphere, do we? As an example, and I like this blog, go here and scroll down till you see the post about bandwidth. I don't have alot of disposable income. After paying rent, truck payment, credit cards that go back to when I was married and money for the boys, I'm living on a fine line. So when I see the tip jars I get suspicious. I'm just saying, not critisizing.


Blogger LL said...

The problem with blogging is that you write about stuff and it gets lost in the archives. With Bane, he has a son who has major medical problems. He's had about 9 surgeries so far. And Bane has enough medical problems himself that he's on disability. So to keep Johnny alive and receiving continuing medical care, Bane's family has to stay below a certain income level to qualify for Medicaid. With his disabilities, he would NEVER be able to work enough hours or make enough money to pay for all that Johnny needs. So his readers encouraged him to get a tip jar to help with hotel stuff and just every day expenses at times. They have 1 car. When it breaks down, it is a major deal. Shit like that is why Bane has the tip jar. As for all the other folks, yeah, I agree. If you're gonna have a big huge blog with tons of visitors and shit, pony up your own money and make do.

I saw this girl who registered for nursing classes but was whining how she doesn't have the money to pay for classes, books, and equipment. She was blegging. Get a clue. Apply for scholarships FIRST, then register.

4:07 PM  
Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

And I thank you...knew there were circumstances I was not aware of...have a good weekend're one in a million

8:30 PM  
Blogger doyle said...

Finally a post I can use without going totally off topic!

Thank you for the link. I'll add you to my sidebar when I update it next.

I spent mumble-something years working in and around social services. Those folks standing at intersections with WILL WORK FOR FOOD signs? They're grifters just like the rest of 'em, pulling in a couple hundred a day (more if it's a really good location) tax free. Next intersection up might be a sister, brother, cousin . . . working their turf with a different sign. DISABLED VET WILL WORK FOR FOOD is another popular one.

They're not homeless or poor. That's just where they working at that particular and it's quite a lucrative business.

4:13 PM  
Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

Thanks for the link...

4:18 PM  

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