This Purveyor...
...of Texas culture, high end living and fine cuisine went out and had himself a heaping plate of, no, not barbecue, but SUSHI. I am trying to wrap my head around this, but, alas, I am left in a pile of boney ruble . I suspect it was not really the experience he was after, as suggested by his lovely lady, but rather practice. As I sleuth my way through my synapses for an explanation to this betrayal of meat and potatoes revelry, I suspect it was a cleverly designed plot by said lady. Could it be that the dickmeister couldn't eat the BIG TUNA!!! Horrors of culinary horrors. Or should that be cunnilingual horrors? I am stunned by this revelation that my sodium induced axions have given me insight to. Alas, I am a broken man. Another hero falls...Just damn...
Well, that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard this week.
Hilarious. LMAO!
I'm just kidding around with the 'dickster' and Kelly. They have a sense of humor, I hope, because he has a big...gun...
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