Sunday, September 03, 2006

I Get A Little...

...pissed when people blame a supreme being for the bad shit that befalls them. It isn't LL but another blogger in this case, but she posted it on her blog. I just don't get it. I understand that it's human nature to do so but one has to get past it. Part of being human is accepting the fact that some bad shit is gonna happen, and often times to you. Ya, it sucks. What part god plays, if ANY, is beyond my comprehension. I don't happen to think that god interacts with us. The process people seem to think so. Christians do as well. We pray, we expect results. As I've gotten older I've pretty much come to the conclusion that life is what it is. There will be some good things and some bad. We never seem to thank god when the good things happen, because it's almost like we expect them, but we sure as hell lash out when the bad things come our way. I feel sorry for the guys Dad, I really do. Just not my theology. I'm just saying...


Blogger Rantin' Ron said...

Finally! I get to disagree with you!

I DO agree with you about blaming God. People who do so are morons in my opinion.

I believe that once you are "saved" by accepting Christ, you are saved PERIOD unless you deliberately forsake God HOWEVER..this doesn't mean you don't pay an earthy toll for sin. I'm not saying that all bad stuff that happens to us is punishment for sin but, I do believe HE does punish us.

I for one, thank God for everything good in my life and ask forgiveness for all the bad crap that I do. Call me crazy but that's what I believe.

I'll never forget how, when Michelle and I learned about her "terminal" cancer, she prayed and thanked God for giving it to her so that she could show others her faith in HIM. She's never once blamed God nor have I. It simply is something that she/we are dealing you's just part of life.

American's are so Oprah-ized that they whine and wail about everything looking for someone to blame the saying goes..."shit just happens" and we need to "man up" about it.

2:25 PM  
Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

HMMMM..kinda begs the question, mate, since I didn't mention christ. That's a whole nother topic which I may one day tackle, but it's your belief to which you are entitled. Suffice it to say that one should read C. S. Lewis and his thought on prayer. That'll get ur head a spinn'.

4:00 PM  
Blogger Pablo said...

I agree with Ron. I also understand that life is a bigger proposition that I can possibly grasp, that there's a whole lot more going on than I can either suspect or understand. I find it very comfoting that I'm in God's hands and that He's in charge.

4:38 PM  
Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

Taken under consideration...I don't happen to think that way, but I'm glad you guys do...

5:00 PM  
Blogger LL said...

I find it interesting that most religions have a start in the belief that there must be some higher being that controls things. And as humans, we turn to this higher being or beings in both supplication and anger. Even Jesus, on the Cross asked God "Why have you forsaken me?" I don't think it's wrong for someone to question what God's plan is for their life, especially when there are really bad things happening. It's how we grow in our faith. I hope that Travis will accept God's judgement in this and he eventually finds peace. But he may not. He may end up rejecting God completely. I think that's what "free will" is all about and Travis is the only person who will have to face God on his day.

7:14 PM  
Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

I've always questioned the notion of a judgemental God, especially when it involves our tenuous existence. We'll talk about it later...

7:46 PM  
Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

LOL...WTF...good one!!!

9:37 AM  
Blogger LL said...

btw, I didn't mean "judgemental" as in He sits in judgement and decides that this or that person should be punished during our time here on earth for an infraction. I meant what Jack said basically. We pray and accept whatever happens and we hopefully know that in the end, there was a reason for what decision He made. That doesn't mean that at times we don't want to RAIL and SCREAM at the injustice. Cuz sometimes, as humans, we just have to.

2:55 PM  
Blogger GalacticallyStupid said...

Hon..I could never accept the fact that someone else is running my life, be it a supreme being or not. I make choices, I pay the consequences. The very notion that someone else is playing me like a puppet rails against everything that makes sense to me. I suggest to all that they read C. S. Lewis' treatise on the casual efficacy of prayer. It'll shed some light on the issue. It is a compelling one, for sure. And I feel for Travis and his Dad. I wish them strength and courage during this time. Given my background and the times I have prayed in the last 20 years I'm 0 for 20,000. NO gets to be a bitch after awhile.

3:12 PM  

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