Thursday, August 24, 2006

OK, I'm Getting Some...

...hits from spanglish and muslim sites, which I expected. Most likely from my supposedly derisive comments. Well and fucking good. Bring it on gringo and diaperhead. But I will state my bloody ass opinion and then you can reply if you want to.

In general, I have nothing against ANYONE. But if you start to use this country as a haven because your own country can't provide for you, then your ass has to go home. Your country has a responsibility to you. We don't. You can't rely on us to support you through all the services we offer. If you want to live here, fine by my ass. More tacos to you. But do it LEGALLY. Don't be fuckin with the monies I pay to my government to protect me. I've earned it. You haven't.

And diaperhead, I haven't heard one word out of any of your masses that live in MY country that you deplore the actions of your brethen. This affects you just as much as it does me. And every service that MY government provides me, I have earned. I am a citizen. Most likely, you are not. So when you turn to Mecca, make sure you thank whomever it is you pray to that our insurgents aren't trying to blow your nappy ass into a bloody heap on the side of the road or splatter you onto your blanky that you kneel on. If you want to live here as a citizen, then stand up and condemn what your fucktard brethren do. Otherwise, you are no better off than they are. You are complicit and a severe and present danger.

I will help you both if you need assistance on the side of the road. I will give you money if you are short at the market. I will tutor your children if they need it. I will pray with you if needed for comfort. I will do what we as AMERICANS do. But if you are going to use the USA for your own benefit, then I have no use for you. We have enough of our own to tolerate in that regard. And if you are going to plan our demise while in OUR country, then we will find you and then we will shoot straight. It may seem to you that we have lost our resolve and courage, but I assure you, that is not the case.

So take heed. You are welcome here if you play be the rules. Otherwise, go home to YOUR governments, that could give a rats ass about you. To conditions where you will most likely starve or be slaughtered. We are still in our infancy as a democracy. It isn't perfect. But it's a helluva lot better than what you have. So don't come here trying to fuck things up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES you put it right on the money!

Thank you

2:45 PM  

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