It Appears There Are Some...
...out there that fear there is danger in the world. Well this is news to me. I've been meandering my way along for 53 years and suddenly there's strife and conflict invading my planet? When did this start? Will it affect my drinking? What about my latte in the morning? Is that safe? Holy Mother of God, please tell me my organic veggies are safe. Is there a chance of cancer? NO NO, not cancer!! OHH, the humanity.
Waiter...another round.
I don't really accept this "Human Condition" philosophy. I figure that there have been two type of humans since the beginning..those who think that there is a free lunch and those smart enough to figure out that some one has to pay for it and the ones who are smart enough to figure this out are the ones doing the paying.
There have always ben wars because of this..those who want what others have. This is the human condition and as far back as Moses giving the Hebrews the 10 commandments "thou shalt not cover" has been the answer to the human condition. But knowing the answer is not enough..the free luncg crowd came up with religions to try to make the producers feel guilty if they didn't 'share' their production and when that doesn't work they come up with governments such as democracy where they can legally extort their free lunch. Yeah, greed is the human condition. But not the greed of those awho amass wealth but the greed of those who do not.
Guy -
Wasn't saying I subscibed to it...just thought the site was interesting...I'll buy lunch.
Organic veggies? You mean you would eat the shit that had all bugs and germs crawling around on it? That's sick.
And no fertilizers being used to make it good for you? How do you expect to get any nourishment from that? :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog by the way! I hope you were a little entertained.
Entertained indeed was I...
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